The glory of the cross

In terms of the writing process flow, this song is the most ‘clean cut’ of all of the songs that Wendy and I have co-written. I came home from work one day and Wendy had completely crafted all of the (wonderful) lyrics for the whole song. I then sat down and worked on the melody and harmonic structure, which came quite easily with the whole meter structure all in place. So this is the only song of all or ours where Wendy has written all the lyric and me all the music in a sequential manner. The three verses describe the glory, mercy and power of the cross.

This song is published by Kevin Mayhew Ltd and is in the Source 3 Songbook (Kevin Mayhew Ltd)

Below are the lyrics to 'The glory of the cross'

The glory of the cross, The wonder of my Lord
That He should pour out His blood
Amazing grace, the sweetest kind
To free condemned, the lost to find
And all the while, cruel agony
The love of God, streaming out for me

How deep and wide, how high and long
The love of God shall be my song
Through all my days my voice I’ll raise
And sing a song of endless love

Deep mercy of the cross, The wonder of my Lord
That He should suffer and die
Amazing grace, the sweetest kind
That dries my tears and heals the blind
Guilty I stand, but Christ my plea
The love of God, streaming out for me

The power of the cross, The wonder of my Lord
That He should proclaim me free
Amazing grace, the sweetest kind
That breaks my chains, restores my mind
Guilty no more, by royal decree
The love of God, streaming out for me

Wendy & Andrew Rayner
© Kevin Mayhew 2002

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